Patch Battlefield 2 1.50
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Vote for Jaden Custom Instances quests, Active Staff And daily Events, Massive Pv. P and Pv. E fun Refine cap 1. No Battery Gameplay server Multi Language Enabled. Details. Jade Dynasty Sunstrider Patch 2. Xp Mobs, 2. 50 Quest Fully working Refinery Caps by lvl of gear, Customs galore Mining and custom maps and events Tons of ways to earn free Points that get you rare items. DetailsOrizon Jade Dynasty New Server Starter Pack with good items and boosters Retail Gears Pots Largest Amount of Fashion, Pets, Mounts etc Masive Open World PVP Arena PVP Clan Wars 2. Support Join now and discover much moreDetails. HEROES OF NEWERTH RETAIL PUBLIC GAMES MATCH MAKING NEW HEROES NEW MAPS NEW ITEMS NEW INTERFACE NEW UPDATES EVERY WEEK JOIN THE BATTLEDetails. Every day 6 FREE Jadens when you vote NEW MAP DIVINE Self Design Legendary Gear Daily and Weekly Event Visit us for a lifetime experience EXP 4. 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Free jadens for all new accounts with a auto level 3. Details. Welcome to Jade dynasty is the first ever high rates server XP X9. Gold X9. 99. 9 Drop X9. Pure Pv. P 1. 00 action Complete market place Mature GMs We are just waiting for you FREE Jadens when you vote. Details. NEW JADE DYNASTY SERVER, 2. X EXP, 1. 00. X DROP NICE GM0. EASY GAME PLAY FUN Pv. P AND Pv. E ACTION Full cheap Cash Shop Nirvana Insigna in the Shop Launch due October 2. Details. Exp 9. 99x, Free JADEON, New Weapons1. Mounts2. 4, Skyblades1. PATCH in Cash shop Instant lvl 5. Newbie pack, 1. 01. Sigils in Shop Quest items in shop Honor, Coin, Bullions, Celebean, Mounts, Pets, Esper all in Cashop. Details. SunstriderInferna Expansion fully functional, all instances working, custom rewards, hundreds of custom items, no batts, high rate server, 1. Banana shop with special items, all 1. We listen to your feedback. Details. First HD Jade Dynasty Exp x. 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All quests, All PVP, All Instances ON new event FORTRESS SIEGE, ENJOY NOWDetails. Rates, Custom reactor, custom mounts, weapons, and more No Battery in Market Rewards for being online, rewards for doing daily quests and events Level 2. If want to play a more authentic JD server come try Legacy. Details. Welcome to Devil. Gultch A Jade Dynasty Private Server Rats exp x. Come join today, and become the God of Ascension today. Sites in our Database Xtreme. Top. 10. 0. com 2. Updated v. 1. 86 Override Evolve Patch Notes. V. 1. 86 Override Evolve is live on June 2. Get charged up for summer with the Override Evolve update Prepare to become stronger than ever with the addition of new 5th job advancement skills for all classes, and an upgraded V Matrix Skill System. Then help your characters grow and earn buffs by joining the Legion System Omega Sector returns and the M Forcers are waiting for you to join them on an interstellar adventure. Boss Lucid Hard Mode, Better Maple improvements, and exciting summer events are also on the wayTable of Contents. NEW CONTENT NEW 5. TH JOB SKILLSV Matrix Update. The V Matrix now grants a new skill slot every 5 levels instead of 6. The maximum number of skill slots has been increased, and is now 1. New Skills All Jobs. Decent Holy Symbol Temporarily gain extra EXP and items when hunting monsters. Does not stack with Holy Symbol. Level 1 HP Cost 2. Duration 1. 83 seconds, EXP 2. Drop Rate 1. 4, Cooldown 1. New Skills Explorers. Warrior. Blitz Shield Harnesses your own Lifeforce to create a protective shield. You can detonate this shield to inflict damage to nearby enemies. Level 1 HP Cost 2. Creates a protective shield that blocks damage in the amount of 1. Max. HP for 5 seconds. When the shield expires or the skill is activated again, it detonates inflicting 5. Your shield must be active for at least 2 seconds before it can be detonated. Cooldown 1. 5 seconds. Magician. Unreliable Memory Calls upon previously learned magic from memory. Results may vary. Level 1 MP Cost 2. Uses one random skill or active Hyper Skill from 1st to 4th jobs. Ignores MP cost and cooldown of selected skill. Cannot trigger unlearned skills, Cooldown 1. Passive Effect INT 1. Bowman. Fury of the Wild Temporarily infuses Phoenix and Frostprey with mysterious power for a devastating attack. Can only be used when either Phoenix of Frostprey are summoned. Level 1 MP Cost 8. Duration 4. 0 seconds, Max Enemies Hit 1. Damage 4. 65, Number of Attacks 6, Cooldown 1. Thief. Shadow Walker Your stealth abilities have been heightened to their limit, allowing you to attack and use skills for a short period without breaking stealth. Shadow Walkers stealth effect is not broken by attacks or skills. Attack is increased while stealthed. Level 1 MP Cost 8. Duration 3. 0 seconds, Initiates a form of stealth that is not canceled by skills or attacks. Final Damage increased by 1. Advanced Dark Sights Final Damage bonus, Cooldown 2. Pirate. Pirates Banner Hoists high the banner of the brave pirate, bolstering party morale and driving fear into the hearts of your enemies. You cannot be knocked back by enemy attacks while planting your flag. Level 1 MP Cost 5. Summons a Pirates Banner for 3. Signal Flow Graph In Control System Pdf'>Signal Flow Graph In Control System Pdf. Boosts the stats of party members near the flag by 1. AP. Enemy DEF 1. Cooldown 5. New Skills Cygnus Knights. Phalanx Charge Summons brave Spearmen of the Cygnus Knights to charge enemies in a phalanx formation. Garmin Topo Us 100K here. The spearmen slow down upon touching an enemy. Press the skill key again to change their direction of movement. Level 1 MP Cost 5. Damage 4. 68, Number of Attacks 4. Cooldown 2. 0 seconds. Spearmen disappear when the number of attacks is reached, they move a certain distance, or after a certain duration. Activate the skill again to change their direction. New Skills Heroes. Freuds Wisdom Even in the darkest times, Freud could be relied upon for his wisdom. Call upon Freuds wisdom to steel your resolve and enhance your combat prowess. Level 1 MP Cost 2. Duration 3. 0 seconds, Max Stacks 6, Each stack provides and additional buff, Cooldown 2. Cooldown increased to 2. Stack 1 Skill Cooldown 3. Stack 2 Knockback Resistance 5. Stack 3 STRDEXINTLUK 2. Stack 4 Weapon ATTMagic ATT 1. Stack 5 Boss Damage 1. Stack 6 Invincible for duration of skill. New Skills Demons. Defender of the Demon Summons loyal Mastema to fight by your side. Unaffected by attack reflection. Level 1 Consumes 2. Max HP to summon Mastema for 3. Cooldown 1. 50 seconds. Mastema uses the following skills at her own discretion Mastemas Claw Max Enemies Hit 8, Damage 5. Attacks 8, Cooldown 4 seconds. Mastemas Mark Damage Taken 1. Max HP, Max Uses 2, Duration 6 seconds, Mastemas Mark vanishes when duration ends or max uses is reached. Cooldown 1. 0 seconds. New Skills Resistance. Resistance Infantry Summons a squad of Resistance infantry to blast the enemy with long ranged attacks. Unaffected by attack reflection. Level 1 MP Cost 6. Duration 1. 0 seconds, Max Enemies Hit 1. Damage 2. 60, Number of Attacks 9, Cooldown 2. New Skills Nova. Might of the Nova Calls upon the deities of the Nova for the power to punish your enemies. Might of the Nova does not stack with Heavens Door, and Heavens Door takes precedence. Level 1 HP Cost 2. Max enemies Hit 1. Damage 2. 08. 0, Number of Attacks 1. Cooldown 1. 20. 0 seconds. Buff After use, you are protected from fatal blows for 6. New Skills Sengoku. Sengoku Force, Assemble Calls upon brave Sengoku heroes for aid, randomly summoning two. Each warrior performs a unique attack. Unaffected by attack reflection. Level 1 MP Cost 1. Consumes HP for jobs that do not utilize MP. Summons two Sengoku warriors. Summon Duration 3. Cooldown 1. 20 seconds. Uesugi Kenshin Damage 2. Max Enemies Hit 8, Number of Attacks 4, Ignore Defense 1. Tsuchimikado Haruaki Damage 1. Max Enemies Hit 8, Number of Attacks 5, Damage Taken 5Ayame Damage 4. Max Enemies Hit 8, Number of Attacks 2, Critical Damage 5Takeda Shingen Damage 2. Max Enemies Hit 8, Number of Hits 3, Attack Power 6, Magic ATT 6. New Skills Warrior Jobs. Hero. Worldreaver Unleashes a brutal slash that decimates all in sight. Level 1 MP Cost 5. Combo Orbs Used 5, Max Enemies Hit 1. Damage 8. 32, Number of Attacks 7, Invulnerable while casting, Cooldown 2. On hit, increases Final Damage for 5 seconds by the Final Damage bonus of the Combo Orbs consumed for the skill. Paladin. Hammer of the Righteous Summons a whirling bulwark of righteous hammers to strike down nearby enemies. Unaffected by attack reflection. Level 1 Passive Effect Creates 1 spiraling hammer around you whenever you generate an Elemental Charge. Up to 5 can be active at once, and their duration is shared with Elemental Charge. Hammers automatically attack up to 4 enemies 2 times dealing 2. Attack speed increases with the number of hammers. Level 1 Active Effect MP Cost 1. Augments Hammers of the Righteous for 3. Cooldown 6. 0 seconds. Augmented Hammers Max Enemies Hit 8, Number of Hits 3, Damage 6. Damage. Dark Knight. Radiant Evil Evil Eye reveals itself and blasts nearby enemies. Only usable while Evil Eye of Domination is active. Unaffected by attack reflection. Skills that boost the damage of Evil Eye of Dominations affect this skill. Level 1 MP Cost 4. Evil Eye appears in front of you, attacking up to 1. Cooldown 2. 0 seconds. Mihile. Sword of Light Focuses the power of your Soul Shield into the form of the legendary Sword of Light to strike down your foes. Level 1 MP Cost 8. Max Enemies Hit 1. Number of Attacks 7, Cooldown 1. Only usable while Royal Guards Attack Power buff is active. Damage increases according to the number of that buffs stack. Resets Royal Guards after use. Stack Damage 3. Stacks Damage 4. Stacks Damage 5. Stacks Damage 6. Stacks Damage 7. Chance to Blind enemies for 1. Accuracy by 3. 0. Duration halved against bosses.