Media Player Default File Types
Posted : adminOn 10/20/2017Windows Media Player 1. Guide. A guide for users of the Jaws screen reader, written by David Bailes at Chorlton Workshop for. More guides are available on the. Jaws Guides page. GOM Player. The only media player you need for FREE Not only is GOM Player a completely FREE video player, with its builtin support for all the most popular video. VIP Software Guides website. Contents. Introduction. This is a guide for Windows Media Player 1. Windows XP. Although the Player can deal with most types of digital. The guide describes how you can use. Window Media Player to Play audio files, audio CDs, and data CDs containing audio files. Organise the audio files on your computer using the Library. Free Download Windows Media Player 11. Enjoy all of your favorite movies and songs, while organizing them in libraries with one of the. Learn more about Windows Media Center, including info about what entertainment you can view, how to get it, how to set it up, and troubleshooting steps. Step. Select the Action column box next to each of your media file types. You will see a dropdown box. Step. Change your default media player for each file type by. Windows Media Player WMP is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images on personal. This is USELESS, I want VLC to open all the media it is capable of working with, now you make me go to Microsoft and set each file type one by one, Microsoft later. Rip audio CDs to your computer. Burn audio and data CDs. Even given the focus only on digital audio, not all the capabilities. Player are covered in this guide. For further information, see. Players Help. Throughout the guide, optical drives which can play CDs, whether. DVD or CD drives, are referred to simply as CD drives. Pages and tasks. Windows Media Player has a number of different pages, and. Each of the pages is designed for a particular task or group of. The pages and tasks are Now Playing page. If Windows Media Player isnt already open. CD, then Windows Media. Player opens on this page to play the audio. If Windows Media. Player is already open, youd normally use the Library page for. Library page, which is used for finding and playing tracks. Library, creating and playing your own playlists. CDs. Rip page, which is used for copying the tracks from audio. CDs onto the computer. Burn page, which is used for writing tracks on a CD, which. CD or a data CD. Sync page, which is used for transferring tracks between. This page is not described. MSN Music, which is used for playing online audio streams. This page is not described in this guide. When you open Windows Media Player from the Start menu or a. Desktop icon, it opens on the Library page. Main window. Main components. Title bar, which contains the text Windows Media Player. To read the title bar, press INSERT T. Optional menu bar, as described in the. Main menus section. Player taskbar. This includes buttons which let you. Whichever of these. Visually, these buttons have the appearance of the tabs of. The page corresponding to the pressed button in the. Player taskbar, for example the Library page. This is the largest component in the window. Playback controls area. All these components have the same width as the main window, and so divide. The page takes. Player taskbar above it, and the. Playback controls area below it. Moving around the main window. To move to the next control in the window press. TAB, and to move to the previous control press. SHIFT TAB. Note that simply by pressing. TAB you move through all the controls in all the components. For example, if youre focused on the last. Player taskbar, then pressing TAB. Player taskbar. If you press CTRL TAB, it moves the. Select a category button on the Library pagethe first control in the Playback controls the seek slider. If you carry on pressing CTRL TAB you just. Pressing. CTRL SHIFT TAB moves you backwards in. Given the large number of controls in the main window, using. CTRL TAB can greatly reduce the number of. For example, if. you want to move to the Player taskbar, you can press. CTRL TAB once or twice so that youre at. SHIFT TAB to move through the controls. Player taskbar. Main menus. There are two options for the format of the main menus A new style pop up menu. A conventional menu bar, which is referred to as classic menus. Both these formats contains bugs in their keyboard navigation, but. Windows Media Player. If you want to change between the two formats. Solved Problems In Physics Pdf here. CTRL M. The two menu formats are described. New style pop up menu. Press ALT to open the pop up menu, which. File, View, Play, Tools, and Help. How To Install Cedar Siding On A House. As. usual you can open the selected sub menu by pressing. RIGHT ARROW or ENTER. BUG WARNING The first time that you open. However, if. you press ALT TAB the pop up menu closes. ALT, the pop up menu. To close the pop up menu, press ESC. To directly open the File menu, press ALT F. View, Play, Tools, and Help menus. Classic menus. There is a severe bug in the keyboard navigation of the. If you press ALT to move. ALT and ESC both dont work. There are work arounds, but its easiest to use the new style pop up. Player taskbar. The player taskbar contains the following controls, which. Back and Forward buttons. Six pairs of buttons for the different pages. Back and Forward buttons. These buttons have similarities with the Back and Forward buttons. Internet Explorer. The keystrokes for these buttons are. ALT LEFT ARROW and ALT RIGHT ARROW. The rest of this section gives a more precise description. Library page. On any of the pages which contain a Primary list view, there. Primary list view. For example, on the Library page the Primary. Library tree. opening an item in the Primary list view which isnt a track. Search box. After one or more of these. Back button to go back through these actions. Once youve gone back through a number of actions, you can then. Forward button to move forward through the actions again. As a simple example, if you open an album in the Primary list view. If you then press the. Back button, you go back to the list of albums. Warning sometimes if youre on a page other than the Library. Back button a number of times, then. Primary list. view, you are then returned to the Library page. But only sometimes. Six pairs of buttons for the pages. The first button in each pair is used for selecting which page is. One of these buttons is always pressed, and when. Jaws reads the name of the button, it includes the word pressed. The second button in each pair is a menu button for that. Nearly all these menus contain the following items A small number of options which are relevant to the particular. Other options which opens the Options dialog. Help with something which opens Windows Media. Player help at a relevant page. BUG WARNING If you press one of the buttons. SPACEBAR, then as. Jaws is not. running. So only use ENTER to press these buttons. Playback controls area. The Playback controls area contains the following controls Seek slider. Pressing LEFT ARROW or. RIGHT ARROW moves the playback backward or. If you. add SHIFT or CTRL to these. Rotate metadata icon button. When a track is playing. Of no importance, and. Jaws anyway. Current position edit box. By default. this shows the elapsed time, but it can also display the. For details, see the. Current position edit box section below. Shuffle onoff button CTRL H. Repeat onoff button CTRL T. Stop button CTRL S. Previous item button CTRL B. PlayPause button CTRL P. Next item button CTRL F. Mute button F7. Volume slider. Press LEFT or. RIGHT ARROW to decrease or increase the volume. F8 or F9. View full screen. Switch to compact mode. Additional keystrokes. There are a number of keystrokes for controlling the speed. CTRL SHIFT N for normal. CTRL SHIFT G for fast speed 1. CTRL SHIFT S for slow speed 0. To fast forward 5x, press CTRL SHIFT F. To revert to normal speed, press the same key again. Just to the right of the Metadata Icon button, theres. Unfortunately, this text is not. Jaws 1. 0 or. later, you can read the title of the track which is playing. INSERT CTRL T. Current position edit box. There are three options for the information shown in the. You can cycle round these three. Jaws cursor. To move to the next option With the current position edit box being the focus, press. INSERT NUMPAD MINUS to route the Jaws. PC cursor. Press NUMPAD SLASH for a left mouse click.