Ecmo Specialist Training Course
Posted : adminOn 10/30/2017Navy Acronyms. Navy Acronyms. VM Five vector model. AA Authorized Absence. ABPL Administrative Board Procedures Letter. AC Active Component. ACC Accounting Category Code. ACD Aviation Comminssioning Date. ACDU Active Duty. ACE American Council on Educaion. ACIP Aviation Carer Incentive Pay. ACLS Andvanced Cardiac Life Support. ACOB Actual Current On Board. ACT Active American College Test. ACTR Assistant Contract Technical Representative. ACTY Activity. AD Active Duty former ACDUADDU Additional Duty. ADL Active Duty List. ADMSG Advise by Electrically Transmitted Message. ADSD Active Duty Service Duty. Specialist education. Papworth is the UKs largest cardiothoracic hospital and provides bespoke education for specialist clinicians from the UK and overseas. A naval flight officer NFO is a commissioned officer in the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps who specializes in airborne weapons and sensor systems. Attend exhibitorsponsored industry education workshops during session breaks. Located in the Exhibit Hall, these workshops will provide additional learning. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Innovation and Research, San Raffaele University Hospital, Via Olgettina 60, 20132 Milan, Italy 2017present. Approval Approved Expiration Program Title CE Credit Hours Category Program Type Contact Email 173417 11092017 11092018 Fall 2017 Pediatric Skills Fair. ADSEP Administration Separation. ADSW Active Duty for Special Work. ADT Active Duty Training. ADTAKE Advise What Action Taken. AEA Actual Expense Allowance. AEC Automated Electronic Classrooms. AEF Advanced Electronics Field Program. AFCT Armed Forces Classification Test. AFHPSP Armed Forces Health Professional. Scholarship Program. Purple4/v4/ea/86/2f/ea862f3d-0738-58bc-c2d8-205e86824f0f/screen1136x1136.jpeg' alt='Ecmo Specialist Training Course' title='Ecmo Specialist Training Course' />AFRM Armed Forcces Reserve Medal. AFSS Autonomic Fire Suppression System. AFTP Additional Flight Training Period. I dont ever do this sort of thing, but your blog seems to be pretty legit, so I guess Ill go ahead this once. Quite a testimonial for my blog, dont. My specialist clinical interest is the treatment of chronically occluded coronary arteries and acute coronary syndromes. In addition, I perform left main stem. AFVT Armed Forces Vision Tester. AI Action Item typically employed to assign. AI Awating Instruction. AIA Accelerated Initial Accession Program. Ecmo Specialist Training Course' title='Ecmo Specialist Training Course' />Ais Automated Information Systems. AMC Air Mobility Command. Visio 2007 Home Plan Template. Ccleaner Filehippo Com there. AMCROSS American Red Cross. AMDOC Aviation Maintenance Officer Candidate. AMDR Authorized Medical Department. Representative. AO Authorized Official. AOB Average on Board. AOC Aviation Officer Candidate. AOCS Aviation Officer Candidate School. AOLTC Naval Chaplains Advanced Officer. Leadership Training Course. I/41ldhfNQ7gL.jpg' alt='Ecmo Specialist Training Course' title='Ecmo Specialist Training Course' />Europes largest extra corporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO centre is based at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester. AOR Area of Responsibility. APC Activity Processing Code. APC Agency Program Coordinator. APF Annual Planning Figure. APG Advanced Pay Grade. AQD Additional Qualification Designator. AQR Academic Quaalification Rating. ARC Alcohol Rehabilitation Center. ARI Active Reserve Integration. File/UsersFiles2008/image/20160505125102_6724_rfm_event_image_congres_medical.jpg' alt='Ecmo Specialist Training Courses' title='Ecmo Specialist Training Courses' />ARPR Annual Retirement Point Record. ASAP Accelerated Sailors Achievement Program. ASDHA Assistant Secretary of Defense Health. Affairs. ASED Aviation Service Entry Date. ASF Auxiliary Security Force. ASGN Assign. ASGNMT Assignment. ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating Officer. ASNM RA Assistant Secretary of the Navy, for. Manpower and Reserve. Affairs. ASNRD A Assistant Secretary of the Navy, for. Research Development and. Acquisition. ASOSH Annual Statement of Service History. ASP Air Systems Program. ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. ASW Antiwubmarine Warfare. AT Annual Training. AT Anti Terrorism. AT Awaiting Transfer. ATFP Anti TerrorismForce Protection. ATF Alcohol Treatment Facility. ATG Afloat Training Group. ATM Automated Teller Machine. ATO Anti Terrorism Officer. ATP Additional Training Period. ATP Apprenticeship Training Program. ATRC AEGIS Training and Readiness Center. AUIC Active Unit Identification Code. AVIP Anthrax Vaccination Implemtation Plan. AVROC Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate. AWOL Absent Without Leave. BAH Basic Allowance for Housing. BAH II Basic Allowance for Housing II Replaces. BAQ effective 1 January. BAM Baseline Assessment Memorandum. BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistence. BCA Business Case Analysis. Objective analysis. BCD Bad Conduct Discharge. BCNR Board of Corrections of Naval Records. BIOTS Best Intrest of the Service. BLS Basic Life Support. BMT Basic Military Training. BOA Board of Advisors. BOL Bureau Of Naval Personnel Online. BOOST Broaded Opportunity for Officer Selection. Training. BOS Base Operating Support. BRIT Basic Reserve Intelligence Training Program. BSC Billet Sequence Code. BST Billet Sequence training. BTB Basic Test Battery. BTP Billet Training Profile. BUDS Basic Underwater DemolitionSeal. BUMED Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel. BUPERSINST Bureau of Naval Personnel Instruction. CAC Common Access Card. CACFHS Casualty Assistance CallsFunerals Honor. Support. CACO Casualty Assistance Calls Officer. CACP Casualty Assistance Calls Program. CACT Clothing Allowance, Civilian Temporary. CADD Current Active Duty Date. CAI Crossed Assigned In. CAN Center for Naval Analysis. CANREC Canvasser Recruiter. CANTRAC Catalog of Navy Training CoursesNavy. Formal Schools CatalogNAVEDTRA 1. CAO Crossed Assigned Out. CAT Comprehensive Analysis Teams. CBVet Construction Basic Veteran. CBMU Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit. CBR Chemical Biological Radiological. CBT Computer Based Training. CCPD Centralized Credentials Review and. Privileging Department. CCPO Chaplain Candidate Program Officer. CD Considered Disqualifing. CDC Center for Disease Control. CDR Commander. CDR Critical Design Review. CEC Civil Engineering Corps. CEFIP Career Enlisted Flight Incentive Pay. Ce. TARS Corporate Enterprise and Training. Activity Resource System. CFFC Commander, Fleet Forces Command. CFO Commissioning Fitting Out. CHAP Chapter. CHC Chaplain Corps. Prototype 2 Keygen. CHCS Composite Health Care System. CHNAVPERS Chief of Naval Personnel. CIC Customer Identification Code. CIPM Career Information Program Management. CLCVN Class Convening. CLEP College Level Examination Program. CLER Clerical Aptitude Test. CLIN Contract Line Item Number. CMD Command. CMDCM Command Master Chief. CME Continuing Medical Education. CMS Career Management System. CMS Classified Materials System. CMS Content Management System. CNAFR Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve. CNATRA Chief of Naval Air Training. CNET Chief of Naval Education and Training. CNI Commander Naval Installations. Type. Commander for shoreinstallations. CNO Chief of Naval Operations. CNRC Commander, Navy Recruiting Command. CNRF Commander Naval Reserve Force. CNRFC Commander Naval Reserve Forces Command. CNSF Commander Naval Surface Forces. Lead. Surface Type Commander. CNSL Commander Surface Forces US Atlantic. Fleet. Follow Surface Type. Commander. CO Commaning Officer. COB Current Onboard. COCI Civilian Occupation Code Indicator. COF Common Order Format. COG Convenience of the Governemtn, Cognizance. COI Course of Instruction. COLA Cost of Living Allowance. COMNAVAIRFORES Commander, Naval Air Force. Reserve. COMNAVAIRSYSCOM Commander, Naval Air Systems. Command. COMNAVINTCOM Commander, Naval Intelligence. Command. COMNAVPERSCOM Commander, Naval Personnel Command. COMNAVRESCRUITCOM Commander, Naval Reserve. Recruiting Command. COMNAVRESFOR Commander, Naval Reserve Force. COMNAVRESFORCOM Commander, Naval Reserve Forces. Command. COMNAVRESINTCOM Commander, Naval Reserve. Intelligence Command. COMNAVRESREDCOM Commander, Naval Reserve. Readiness Command. COMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems. Command. COMNAVSECGRU Commander, Naval Security Group. Command. COMPL Upon Completion. COMSEC Communications Security. CONLV Convalescent Leave. CONUS Continental United States. CONUS COLA Continental United State Cost of. Living Allowance. COS Chief of Staff Admirals StaffCOSTEP Commissioned Officer Student and Extern. Program. COT Consecutive Overseas Tour. CP Capability Plan. CPC Commissary Privilege Card. CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation. CRA Continuing Resolution Authority. CRB Chaplains Resource Branch. CREDO Chaplains Religious Enrichment. Development Operation. CREO Career Reenlistment Objectives. CREST Chaplain and Religious Program Specialist. Expeditionary Training. CRP Command Religious Program. CSG Surface Strike Group formerly called. CSO Chief Staff Officer O 6 StaffCSP Career Sea Pay. CTC Command Teaming Coordinators. CTO Contracted Commercial Travel Offices. CTO Computer Task Order. CTR Contract Technical Representative. CVSG Carrier Strike Groups formerly known as. CWO Chief Warrant Officer. CWT Hundred Weight. DA Design Agent. DAMS Digital Asset Management System.